Imagine the situation when your company is in the growth phase and you are about to build a huge hiring team. Is your HR department ready for this challenge? How much time, money, and resources will this process take? Remember that everything will be much more complicated during the quarantine period.
How to make the process faster, more convenient, and enjoyable? A simple equation will help you with this:
your HR team + applicants flow + X = new talented employees.
You might notice that something is missing
here. We are talking about automation and the video interview service
Playhunt seamlessly takes the responsibility for this.
What is Playhunt?
This is a new interpretation of video recruiting methods. Candidates film their answers to a list of questions and the result looks like an interview in video format.
What is a video interview? Put concisely, this is a kind
of addition to the CV or its profitable replacement, which is carried out
online and saves the time and effort of a headhunter. Such a solution is
considered the most modern in terms of practicality because an employee can
make a video interview at any time and calmly answer questions. The HR
manager, in turn, gets the opportunity to highlight accents and review
materials by selecting suitable candidates.
A lot of tips for effective video interview preparation are presented on
the website, so the questions creating and mailing take a minimum of time.
The basic set of opportunities is free and implies
15 interviews per month,
storage of materials
for a week, and the ability to send links to
received interviews to colleagues.
The ability to send a questionnaire to candidates in a few clicks, without
being tied to a specific interview time, is one of the main advantages of
the video questionnaire. In fact, there are much more benefits and we will
talk about them further.
Advantages of Playhunt using for employers
- Technical limitations absence. Country, time zone, or work schedule are no longer obstacles that delay the process. You do not need to adapt to the requirements of the headhunter and change your plans for the day to pass the interview. Such a solution makes it easy to connect with anyone all around the world without dozens of trying to find the time that suits both of you. All you need is stable Internet access and a webcam, which allows you to get a decent picture and clear sound.
- Saving money and resources. Playhunt brings you the possibility to successfully process a large number of applications without recruiting agencies or a huge HR team. Multiple hiring managers can easily handle hundreds of CVs because our platform makes it easy to send invitations and view responses.
- Accelerated recruitment process. Playhunt is one of those advanced HR tools that streamline the whole process and save a lot of time. You only need a few clicks to create a profile and send it to hundreds of candidates at the same time. Viewing responses is easy; furthermore, you can rate, comment, and share the video with your colleagues.
- More effective screening of candidates. Playhunt gives you much more than a boring CV. You can assess the organizational and presentational skills of candidates. There’s a great chance to objectively compare applicants because the questionnaires are the same for all of them. Words, facial expressions, and gestures can easily tell everything about a potential employee.
Benefits of Playhunt using for candidates
The person can use it when it’s convenient. Candidates are not tied to a specific interview time. They are enabled to answer video interview questions early in the morning before taking the children to school or in the evening after completing the things-to-do list. All they have to adhere to is the deadline for submitting the video.
- There is no need to go to the office for an interview. The candidate is interviewed in a convenient place, which saves time and resources.
- Minimal stress during the interview. The candidate can calmly prepare for the interview, take a seat in his favorite chair, and have tea beforehand - all this contributes to a more relaxed atmosphere in the video interview. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the video can be re-recorded simply by re-clicking on the link received from the potential employer.
- Opportunity to stand out from others. It is well known that cover letters increase the chance of getting a job. The person can show HR managers much more information using video than just words on paper. Playhunt service helps potential employees impress employers more than a simple classic CV.
Analyze video interviews with Playhunt
Playhunt will help you to explore the world of new video interview technologies. A simple process of questionnaire creation, a convenient platform, and answers screening awaits you. The only thing you need to do is register on the Playhunt website. There is no need to enter credit card information or answer a long list of questions. Fill in 3 points of the basic data and you’re done!