During the last few years, a video interview is evolving and that isn’t front-page news. More and more managers are choosing such an HR tool, especially in the context of the world pandemic. Among all types, the format of a video survey is in the lead. Why? This is an effective way of pre-selecting candidates, which allows you to negate any difficulties with time and distance.
Why is this format a great option for you as a job seeker? Think of how many people would like to get the job position of your dream. Are you sure your CV or even a covering letter could guarantee you stand out among all of them? This is your chance to have an additional video resume that could show your personality more deeply.
How to get prepared for such a type of video interview?
Definitely, it is the most disturbing question you have now. In case you do it for the first time, it might be a bit awkward.
A video interview is convenient primarily to save time for both the candidate and company representatives. Also, more and more often, companies practice pre-prepared questions for candidates for preliminary selection. The candidate, in turn, can record his video responses at any time convenient for him and provide them to the company.
Even if you’ve experienced it before, there is always room for improvement. In this article, we’ve prepared eight valuable tips so you can feel more comfortable during your video interview.
1. Research about the company. Try to learn all you can about its culture, product or service, and, of course, people who work there. Why? To understand if you’re a good fit for this company and vice versa as well. How? Use the power of Google and search for the needed information.
2. Study the industry. Read up on current trends and the latest technologies in the industry you’d like to work in. It’d show not only your competence but also enthusiasm to develop your knowledge. Also, there is a chance of video interview questions being expert-related.
3. Find your motivation. Typically, the question ‘Why would you like to get this job?’ occurs in most candidate questionnaires. Finding the answer would help you both to make a nice video response and, what is more, find your inner motivation.
4. Realize your value. Going through a video survey is a chance to get to another face-to-face interview level. Choosing this way of video recruiting, hiring managers to save both their and your time. So, give them the reason why they should talk to you personally and eventually hire you.
5. Find time to practice. Don’t ignore taking some time before a video recording to practice telling your story, especially if you’re a first-timer in this. You can practice that alone or with the help of your friends or relatives. However, there’s no need to recite your answers like a poem, as recruiters are willing to see the real you.
6. Dress appropriately. There will be no other chance to make the first impression, which is mainly based on your appearance. Well-fitting clothes show your attitude for a video survey and a company in general. Be attentive to your attire and present yourself professionally.
7. Check your gadgets. Choose the device which is more comfortable for you to record all the videos. Make sure it’s fully charged or plugged in and, of course, check your webcam and audio settings. Also, ensure you look directly at the camera, creating eye contact.
8. Pay attention to your body language. Your posture, gestures, smiling and even nodding present your personal characteristics. It’s well known that managers especially appreciate candidates with leadership and courage. Do your best to hit all of the points in this.
Whether it's your first time going through a video interview or one of many, a couple of small tips from this article would help you to perform at your best. Essentially, don’t forget that such an interview is your opportunity to show off much more than a sheet of paper can. Take full advantage of this chance.