A company actively tries to increase the number of incoming CVs to find new decent employees. Headhunters do their best to attract the attention of candidates but at the same time, it causes a problem for recruitment managers. How can they deal with so many job applications?
This question is especially relevant under present-day conditions. There is no doubt that the current post-pandemic situation has impacted the labor market. The crisis has led to a sharp increase in the number of unemployed who actively send their CVs. The same situation happened in 2008. Consequently, there’s a question: how to find your dream worker among this diversity?
The size of the company greatly influences the choice of the required method. It doesn’t make sense to rely only on headhunters and HR managers if you need to hire a lot of people. These companies often use AI software to filter out the best-fit candidates. Smaller companies are taking a more traditional approach: manually processing the high volume of inbound resumes.
1. Candidate selection using artificial intelligence (AI)
Experts have argued that AI technology is the leading trend in HR for the past several years. The fact that automation is taking over the industry is obvious, as technology makes the hiring process faster and easier. However, is it better? Let’s take a closer look at a few examples of such technologies to answer this question.
- Intelligent screening software can do almost all the tedious technical work: analyze all CVs from your database, assess the experience, skills, personal qualities of candidates, and decide whether to include them in the list of potential employees or not.
- Chatbots in recruitment is a technological variation of the real manager. It ask candidates questions, analyze their answers, give directions, recommendations, and get acquainted with all the necessary information. This technology has one essential advantage: applicants always receive feedback.
- Automated intake meetings serve as both interviewer and psychologist. All this is possible due to AI, which can evaluate both the candidate’s speech (choice of words and patterns) and non-verbal manifestations (facial expressions and gestures).
However, it’s essential to remember that artificial intelligence is just a set of scripts without an emotional component. It cannot think outside the box and find an incumbent with high potential. The recruitment of personnel is not equal to the automatic stamping of products in a factory. Companies deal with real people for whom the software is not enough to fully assess.
2. Manually processing the high volume of inbound resumes
Smaller companies that don’t need to hire large numbers of employees are looking for new hires on their own. The human resources team can be responsible for such a process. However, more and more companies facilitate this task by externally hiring headhunters. The cooperation of these 2 parties greatly optimizes the entire process and leads to better results.
Nevertheless, the use of human resources requires more means, energy, and time. Also, many pitfalls can affect the hiring process when it comes to cooperation with external recruiting agencies:
- Heavy expenditures. Recruiting services can cost you several new employee salaries.
- Lack of knowledge. Sometimes managers do not clearly and accurately convey the values and culture of the company, which can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect selection of personnel.
- Indifferent attitude. Some recruiters focus on a person's experience and goals, but they do not take into account the zeal, energy, and potential of candidates, which can also be a barrier to effective hiring.
Candidates' video surveys: reasonably good alternative
As you can see, each of the methods has both advantages and disadvantages. These are the 2 extremes of the modern hiring process. Is there still a choice? A middle way must be found; especially when AI robs the entire process of personal contact and the job of hiring managers is a waste of resources.
Is there such an alternative in the modern labor market? Yes, it is referred to as candidates' video surveys (aka one-way interviews). This format combines the optimization of monotonous work with the ability of real people to take the gage of decent candidates. Hiring managers personally draw up a list of questions that can determine the potential of candidates and send them a link to complete the video questionnaire. Candidates, in turn, answer all questions in front of the camera of a mobile phone or computer, simply by opening the link from the recruiter in a regular browser. Recruiters review the record and send feedback to the candidate, which eliminates any possibility of AI error.
This process allows you to easily and quickly identify the best candidates and invite them to the next stage of the interview. As a result of using this technology, companies reduce costs, do not overload their employees in the personnel department, and gain new promising colleagues.
If you are currently at a crossroads in choosing a hiring strategy, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Which is more in line with your company’s strategy: technical optimization or the human factor? Try the Playhunt platform if you are ready to check out a new method without sacrificing your resources or confidence in your choice. Sign up right now and get 15 free video questionnaires every month. The resource itself has a well-thought-out design and offers many tips for effective search.
How to select an employee using Playhunt?
It is necessary to use innovative search methods that save the time and effort of HR managers to choose an employee who will competently perform his/her duties and quickly learn all the specific points. Previously, the selection process consisted of studying a candidate’s CV and analyzing his/her professional skills. Dry text is considered far from the best way to present oneself under present-day conditions. Modern HR automation systems provide a lot of options but Playhunt stands out in that it offers a headhunter to see a candidate, hear him, get answers to questions, and analyze information without the need for direct communication with a person. Both parties can record/watch the video at any time.
This method is important for those who know how to select personnel and have specific requirements. Business representatives value information content and a minimum of unnecessary manipulations, so the platform has a simple design and straightforward structure that allows you to quickly figure everything out and start active use. You can understand important points regarding the correspondence between the skills written in the CV and reality due to the video interview. The way a person answers questions, his/her behavior, and confidence determine the level of professionalism and signal the possibility/impossibility of becoming a part of the team. The HR manager can watch a variety of video responses before an employee is hired. The system allows you to accelerate playback for quick familiarization and impression creating.
The headhunter can send a link to the record to colleagues, as well as back to viewing the materials at any time.